About us

Welcome to CargA Bike! I am Rodrigo Valenzuela (Chilean Living in Scotland).

As a father of two, I have always cherished riding bikes with my children. The joy on their faces when they jump into the box is priceless. They think it's like a tiny bus, chatting with each other and with me, all while I can see them and feel safe and in control. Personally, I don’t like having my kids in the rear seat of the bike because I can’t see them, and I have to turn my head to talk quickly. That’s why these Dutch-style bikes are perfect for kids, as well as for doing shopping and carrying big items.

I've added photos and videos from my own experiences to show just how wonderful these bikes are. Now, I want other parents to have this same experience and offer an affordable option to ride in your city. These bikes are based on my experience riding in small and large cities in the UK.

My best friend Jose from New York loved this experience when he visited me, and he wants to share this riding experience with fellow Americans. There are many great cities in the US that are building bike lanes and switching to a more sustainable lifestyle. With lots of effort, we want to provide you with these wonderful CargA Bikes to create memorable moments with your children and your community.

Join us on this journey towards a greener, more connected way of living.


